Women Against Abuse held their second annual iPledge Campain Press Conference on Drexel University's campus. The iPledge Campaign is a citywide anti-violence movement that calls on ordinary Philadelphians to help end violence at home and in the community. We all have a duty and responsibility to help curb domestic abuse. Not necessarily physically intervening but offering help to those involved. Assist your family member, friend or neighbor in getting resources in order for them to plan a safe escape. If you have a friend who is an abuser, talk to them and strongly encourage them to change their ways. One important fact that I learned was that when an abused woman is seeking a "protection of abuse order" from their abusers, SHE (not the police/sheriff) has to serve the order. WRNB's Mo'Shay LaRen is among a large group of concerned citizens fighting to change this. Women Against Abuse's website has a plethora of resources to get educated on the issue of Domestic Abuse. Take the "Pledge" against Domestic Violence at: http://www.ipledgewaa.org/
What a wonderful event! Keep up the great work! We really need awareness raised for these types of issues... :D